This website is an altar where we keep a candle burning bright for Emily, Ember, Em; where we offer our grief and praise, our stories and memories and our insight.  In this virtual, magical place, we can share some of the gifts she left for us—her beautiful language and deep thoughts, the work of her hands, her fierce imagination and her quirky sense of humor.  May this become over time, a blazing fire where we bring our cold hands and ask big questions.   Our life paths will take us far and wide, but we can gather here, on a starry night, to tell stories that lift our spirits, and to speak our memories.  May our memories glow like sparks circling up into the darkness, like embers that never go out. 

This website will grow little by little, layer by layer.  Emily’s life was full and rich, with so much depth and breadth.  She was a mountain stream and a deep well.  My hope is that every year on her birthday and on her deathday I will add something substantial.  And in each new offering, there will be a place for all of you to leave comments and add stories.  If you wish to be notified when something new is placed on this altar, please add your email to the list.

Blessings to you on this first day of autumn, 2016

Sarah - Mama, Mom, Mum


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