Ode to Time Twixt the Sun

I'm tired of waking up with the sun. 
I want to rise with the moon,
Feel her alabaster blush
Wash over me.
I want to wake to the trillions of
Diamonds embroidered,
By the most nimble fingers,
Into the onyx tapestry of the universe.
I want to sigh at the sight of its vastness
And contemplate my own insignificance. 
I want the darkness to shroud me
In a personal inky cocoon
As I stretch my arms from east to west
Like I could pick up the sky
To carry with me when I feel alone.
I want to sit in a bath of cold starlight
And dream of people I've never met.
They would whisper me tales of their time in this world,
Would lay them like a patchwork quilt
Across my mind.
And I would keep them there to comfort me
Because everyone's stories seem sweeter than mine.